There aren't a lot of flashes that actually make me lol. Not just type lol but actually laugh out loud. That was great. I love it all. A wonderful parody of the Matrix.
There aren't a lot of flashes that actually make me lol. Not just type lol but actually laugh out loud. That was great. I love it all. A wonderful parody of the Matrix.
Love all of it!
Great music, great animation style, and a lovable and funny character. You have done a really great job with this. It's no wonder why this flash is so well known. Despite being, sorry for repeating this . . . its not such a bad thing, short its really great. At the moment I can't really think of anything else that you could add without making it feel like filler.
Not bad
I don't like most music collabs but this one is pretty good. Even though each artist is different for some reason this collab is much smoother than most I see. Good work all.
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!
Needs more funny
Less actual dialog from the movie and more Newgrounds funniness is needed. Its not a terrible idea . . . just make it more original.
I love how you took the original song and made this one. Good video, Good music, and funny. I have no clue about what you could possible do to make this better. Great Job!
Wow . . interesting cycle
It is interesting in life how cycles life this actually happen. Good vid. Not the most elaborate animation obviously but I thought it was perfect for this flash.
you . . . . you . . . .evil person LazyMuffin . . . .you have de-sanctified the wonderful music from Amelie! Great vid good jokes and animation. Simple little jokes in your animation like Pico wiping his eye with an arm that comes from off the screen is funny. Like most of your work you have done a great job, but why . . . .why use the sacred Amelie music for this :/ .
Good Jokes
I like the jokes, how you systematically added different characters from different races into the vid, but I really miss the Necrons.
I miss the necrons :(
Not all of the jokes were funny . . some of them were just stupid but I respect the hard work. Good flash but . . . . . . . .I miss the Necrons!!!
Joined on 10/27/09