This is gonna be another review where I'm thinking I'm going to get big "This review is useless" votes but hey, its what I really think.
I didn't find it sad at all. You used a subject that is very sad to some Americans. To me, not sad at all. Especially if you realize how tiny the massacre of 911 was in comparison to things to happen every day in other countries (yes 911 was a horrible thing I realize that and I'm not trying to downsize it). Maybe its just me (probably) but this just seems like a manipulation of those who act/feel like 911 was a horrible thing for them, even if it didn't effect them at all. Your animation was normal, nothing bad or special. Your voicing and sound was obviously of an actual girl and was realistic but at times the volume of her voice fluctuated. Sometimes even at critical "sad" points it changed in a bad way. This video was long enough that you definitely put effort into it and I appreciate that but because of the content I kindave think you were just going for the "If you are American you should feel sad. Hence give me a good score because this is a 'sad' subject." Judging from your work I would guess that you are in fact a good animator and artist but I would recommend you select a different subject to animate on. I would certainly enjoy other subjects and Genres more than an (failed)attempt to tug at my heart strings.